Gifts of Appreciated Stock & Real Estate

Couple talking at a kitchen counter

You can support Mt. Ascutney Hospital and Health Center by giving gifts of appreciated stock and real estate. To discuss a possible gift of appreciated stock or real estate, please call 802-674-6711.

Gifts of appreciated stock

Gifts of appreciated stock are one of the most tax-wise ways to give.

If you own stock that has appreciated in value and have owned it for more than one year, you can transfer ownership to MAHHC and avoid capital gains tax. You can also still deduct the full fair-market value of the stock from your income taxes, to the extent allowed by law. In other words, you can receive a tax break for the appreciation on which you never pay taxes—and it’s easy to do!

Gifts of real estate

Depending on the method you choose, a gift of real estate to MAHHC may allow you to:

  • Receive an income tax charitable deduction
  • Reduce or eliminate capital gains tax
  • Pay no gift tax on the transfer
  • Reduce your estate administration expenses
  • Relieve the burden of maintenance costs, property taxes, and insurance

Another benefit: you don't have to hassle with selling the real estate. Simply deed the property directly to MAHHC or ask your attorney to add a few sentences in your will or trust agreement.

You can give real estate to MAHHC in the following ways:

An outright gift – When you make a gift of real estate, you qualify for a federal income tax charitable deduction equal to the property's full fair market value. This deduction lets you reduce the cost of making the gift and frees cash that otherwise would have been used to pay taxes. By donating the property to MAHHC, you also eliminate capital gains tax on its appreciation.

A gift in your will or living trust – A gift of real estate through your will or living trust allows you the flexibility to change your mind and the potential to support our work with a larger gift than you could during your lifetime. In as little as one sentence or two, you can ensure that your support for MAHHC continues after your lifetime.

A retained life estate  You can transfer your residence (or farm) to MAHHC but keep the right to occupy or rent out the property for the rest of your life. You continue to pay real estate taxes, maintenance fees, and insurance on the property. Though MAHHC would not take possession of your home until after your lifetime, since your gift cannot be revoked, you qualify for a federal income tax charitable deduction for a portion of your home's value.

A memorial or endowed gift – A gift of real estate may be a perfect way to honor a loved one in perpetuity. When you make an endowed gift of real estate, your contribution is invested with and becomes part of MAHHC’s endowment, and an annual distribution is made for the purpose at MAHHC you designate. Because the principal remains intact, the fund will generate support for MAHHC in perpetuity.

A Donor-Advised Fund – When you transfer real estate to your Donor-Advised Fund, you avoid capital gains taxes and qualify for a federal income tax charitable deduction based on the fair market value of the property when you itemize your taxes.